RAD Admin - Directory Parameter

On the Config Parameters list page, click on the Directory Parameter tab, and you will be redirected to the page, as illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Admin Portal Directory Parameters List Page
Figure 1: Admin Portal Directory Parameters List Page

On the directory parameter list page, by default, the below parameters will be available:

  • class_app: The directory where the application classes are stored
  • class_core: The directory where the core classes are stored
  • data: The directory where the data files are stored
  • log: The directory where the log files are stored
  • pub: The directory where the pub files are stored
  • rad: The root directory of the RAD framework
  • route: The directory where the route business logic files are stored
  • session: The directory where the session files are stored
  • site: The root directory of the Site - the container of the application
  • sys: The directory where the system files are stored
  • theme: The directory where the theme files are stored
  • vendor: The directory where the vendor files are stored
  • www: The directory where the www files are stored. The folder or directory where the domain name is pointed to, e.g., it is [site]/rad/public_html in cPanel-based servers

The directory parameters are predefined and cannot be edited.