Developers Blog

News, review articles, code analysis, and how-to articles for application developers with a major focus on Linux, Apache, MySQL / MariaDB, and PHP (LAMP) technology stack. Visit the website regularly or subscribe to the newsletter to get new articles and expand your horizon.

Discover the differences between Functions as a Service (FaaS) and Microservices as a Service (MaaS). Learn how these cloud computing paradigms revolutionize software development, offering flexibility, scalability, and efficiency for modern applications.
Jul 20, 2024
How to Achieve Accessibility Compliance with Bootstrap 5
May 16, 2024
Learn how to achieve accessibility compliance using Bootstrap 5 in ...

Enhancing Cloud Server Security with PHP Function Hardening
Oct 25, 2023
Discover how to boost your cloud server's security through PHP ...

Detailed Comparison Guide: Batoi RAD Framework vs. PHP CodeIgniter vs. Laravel
Oct 14, 2023
Explore a comprehensive guide comparing Batoi RAD Framework with PHP ...


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