Batoi Research

At Batoi Research, we aim to drive innovation and build solutions with cutting-edge digital technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, and IoT, with a strong focus on sustainability and affordability.
Platform Features

Key Research Projects

Our Research Programs

Engaged in research activities through various programs
Special Group Projects (SGP)
We take up research projects on advanced computing in partnership with leading academic institutions.
Skills in Tech (SIT)
We work with leading institutions to align new or frontier digital technologies into skill programs
Founder and CEO

Ashwini Kumar Rath

An entrepreneur, author and DevSecOps consultant, Ashwini Kumar Rath is the Founder and CEO at Batoi and is actively involved in strategic affairs and product development.
Director, Research

Dr. Sanjay Mohapatra

An expert in the areas of Information Systems, IT Strategy, E-Commerce Strategy, Innovation, AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Change Management and Knowledge Management.

Join Batoi Research to Shape the Future of Technology

Are you passionate about driving technological innovation and making a lasting impact on the world of business? Join Batoi Research and collaborate with our team of experts as we work together to explore new frontiers in technology and create cutting-edge solutions that redefine the way businesses operate.

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