Batoi Optima

Manage and Optimize Cloud Cost, Performance, and Security
Rapid Application Development Platform

Are You Overspending on Cloud? Optimize Your Cloud Costs with Batoi Optima

In the rapidly evolving cloud landscape, managing and optimizing cloud costs across multiple providers can be daunting. Batoi Optima provides a comprehensive, user-friendly solution to help organizations efficiently manage their cloud expenditures, enhance resource utilization, and achieve significant cost savings.

Gartner: By 2025, 80% of enterprises will overshoot their cloud budgets due to a lack of cost optimization.

Flexera: Approximately 30% of cloud spending is wasted due to inefficiencies.

Common Challenges

Lack of visibility into cloud costs
Difficulty in managing multi-cloud environments
Over-provisioning and underutilization of resources
Complex and unpredictable billing

The Solution

Batoi Optima is a powerful SaaS application designed to address these challenges by providing a unified platform for multi-cloud cost management, real-time monitoring, and actionable insights.

Key Features

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Multi-Cloud Support
Seamlessly integrates with AWS, GCP, Azure, and OCI.
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Real-Time Cost Monitoring
Stay informed with real-time tracking of cloud expenditures and automated alerts for cost anomalies.
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Historical Cost Analysis
Analyze past spending patterns and forecast future costs.
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Optimization Recommendations
Receive intelligent suggestions for resource right-sizing, eliminating underutilized resources, and selecting cost-effective plans.
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Automate routine optimization tasks to ensure continuous cost efficiency without manual intervention.
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Performance Monitoring
Monitor resource performance metrics alongside costs for comprehensive optimization.
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Security and Compliance Monitoring
Ensure adherence to best practices with continuous security posture management and compliance checks.
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Customizable Reporting and Dashboards
Create and export detailed reports and dashboards tailored to your organization’s needs.
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User Management and Access Control
Implement role-based access control for enhanced security.
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API Access
Integrate Batoi Optima with your existing tools and workflows.

Enhance Your Cloud Management with Our Managed Services

Extend Batoi Optima's capabilities with our comprehensive managed services, designed to support DevSecOps, Platform Engineering, and IT Operations.

Key Benefits


Integrate cost optimization with security and compliance checks to enhance your security posture.

Platform Engineering

Utilize optimization insights to improve platform performance and efficiency

IT Operations

Automate cost-saving measures and monitor cloud usage effectively, reducing operational overhead.

Pricing Plans

Flexible Pricing Plans to Suit Your Needs. Choose a plan that fits your organization’s requirements and budget.
Basic Plan

  • Single cloud provider support
  • Real-time cost monitoring
  • Basic reporting
Standard Plan

  • Multi-cloud support
  • Real-time cost monitoring
  • Historical cost analysis
  • Optimization recommendations
  • Performance monitoring
Premium Plan

  • All Standard features
  • Security and compliance monitoring
  • Customizable reports and dashboards
  • Automated optimization
Enterprise Plan

  • All Premium features
  • API access for custom integrations
  • Dedicated support
  • Advanced user management
  • Multi-tenant support

Case Studies

Real Results from Our Clients

Mid-Sized Enterprise: Reduced cloud costs by 25% within three months using Batoi Optima.
Global Company: Achieved 30% cost savings and improved performance across AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Success Stories

What Our Customers Say

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