While accessing content over the Internet or using cloud-based services, people express concerns regarding the security of their data. The protection of data during its transit, as shown in the above figure, is one important aspect of the security of their data and identity.
HTTPS has become a default of web content delivery standards. This ensures the integrity of the website, privacy, and security of the users accessing the website protected. In fact, all new features of web apps with regard to multimedia use, real-time communications, and offline user experiences require HTTPS.
To show some of the major evidence, you can see the growth of the SSL certificate issue at the free issuer like Let’s Encrypt in figure - 1
Figure - 1: Growth of certificates at Let’s Encrypt (Source: https://letsencrypt.org/stats/)
Google led the movement of adopting HTTPS or SSL with mandatory inclusion in its product portfolio. The most important step was to enforce HTTPS-only traffic for its search relevance algorithms. You can view the use of HTTPS and encryption of data related to Google products in figure - 2.
Figure - 2: The encrypted traffic for Google products (Source: https://transparencyreport.google.com/https/overview?hl=en)
You can see the correct SSL installation by looking at the solid padlock on the left of the address bar of the browser. The developers can look at details through the Developer Tools as in figure - 3.
Figure - 3
The steps of installing an SSL certificate can be very simple with Batoi. You can choose from different certificates from various leading certificate authorities like GlobalSign and Comodo. The choice of certificate - domain, organizational, or extended - depends on the level of security, speed of validation, and authenticity.
The installation process involves creating a CSR (Certificate Signing Requests), getting a certificate issued from Batoi, and then installing the certificate bundle. For all websites hosted with Batoi using cPanel, an auto-SSL is issued by default and without any additional charge.