Data structures (DS) are different ways of storing and organizing data in the memory in such a way that it can be retrieved efficiently. A few important data structures are:
Data Structures can help in handling simple problems like finding the first non-repeating alphabets in a string to solving many complicated ones.
Classification of Data structures:
Data Structures are classified into two major categories: Primitive Data Structures and Non-Primitive Data Structures.
Primitive data structures: They are basically the simpler data types like int, float, bool, char etc that hold a single value and have a predefined way of storing data.
Non-primitive data structures: Non-primitive data structures are complex data structures constructed with the help of primitive data structures. They are of two types:
- Linear DS: Stack, queue, linked lists
- Non-Linear DS: Tree, Graphs
Data Structures are supported in all modern languages and it is imperative that you learn these concepts to be proficient in handling the algorithmic problems of computer programming.